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Welcome To South Asian Journal of Management
P-ISSN: 0971-5428
E-ISSN: 2584-007X

The South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM) is a scholarly academic journal, published quarterly, by the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA). AMDISA is an international not for profit association. To know more about AMDISA and its activites please visit

The South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM) was founded in response to the global needs to know about the current research and practice in the field of management in South Asia and the South Asian needs to network management development institutions and create a forum for promoting cooperative research and constructive dialogue on contemporary issues in South Asian Management.

Journal Information

  • Journal Title : South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM)
  • Publisher   : Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA)
  • P-ISSN   : 0971-5428
  • E-ISSN   : 2584-007X
  • Starting year : Print version-1994, Digital version-2023
  • Format   : Printed & Digital version
  • Language   : English
  • Subject   : Management, Social Sciences
  • Publication  : Quarterly
  •    Frequency

SAJM welcomes articles on issues of current interest in management. It publishes empirical papers, review papers, executive experience-sharing, research notes and book reviews. All submissions and related correspondence should be addressed to:

The Editor,
South Asian Journal of Management
Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA)
Adjacent to School of Management Studies
University of Hyderabad Campus
Central University Post Office
Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500 046, India
Phone / FAX: +91-(0)40-2301 3346
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


AMDISA as publisher of South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM) has instituted a Best Paper Award to be presented every 2 years at AMDISA’s flagship conference, the biennial South Asian Management Forum (SAMF). The award is named after Prof. Mathew J Manimala who is the Editor of SAJM for 22 years.

The 1st MATHEW J MANIMALA-SAJM BEST PAPER AWARD was presented at the 16th South Asian Management Forum (SAMF) hosted by the International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), Dhaka, Bangladesh on 18th December, 2021. The Best Paper for this award was selected from amongst 56 papers published in the 8 issues of the SAJM during 2019 and 2020. The selection was done by internal and external experts and was reviewed and ratified by an AMDISA Board Sub-Committee specially constituted for the purpose.

The 1st MATHEW J MANIMALA-SAJM BEST PAPER AWARD was presented to the authors of the paper titled:

"Comprehensive Information Security Awareness (CISA) in Security Incident Management (SIM): A Conceptualization"

published in the April - June, 2020, Volume 27 Issue 2, of the SAJM.

Mr. Manisekaran Thangavelu
Executive Fellow Program Scholar
Information Technology
& Systems Area
Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, India
Dr. Venkataraghavan Krishnaswamy
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
& Systems Area
Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, India
Dr. Mayank Sharma
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
& Systems Area
Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, India

The above authors received the BEST PAPER AWARD virtually in the Valedictory Session of the 16th SAMF from the Chief Guest Dr. Shamsul Alam, Minister of State, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.

Citation Plaque

💐 AMDISA congratulates the authors. 💐
Indexing, Listing and Ratings

The Journal contents are indexed by internationally acclaimed database services and USA.

(i) Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management. Cabell's lists over 8,500 international journals, covering eleven disciplines including management (Over 600 universities worldwide subscribe to Cabell's online directories, which has further enhanced the international visibility and acceptability of SAJM).
(ii) SAJM is listed on the UGC (India) CARE List of Journals.

It is included in the journal ratings by:
(i) ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia). ERA lists over 20,000 international journals across disciplines.
(ii) ABDC (Australian Business Deans Council). ABDC has 2,700-plus business journals worldwide.